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100 Marathons

Australia's Marathon Man Trent Morrow chasing the World Record for the most marathons in twelve months; marathonman; running man; hall of fame city challenge marathon

8 September 2013

YES! It’s so awesome to officially complete 100 marathons in 251 days this year at the Hall of Fame City Challenge.

Total distance run – 2,620miles / 4,219.5km.

Thank you so much for all the support to help get to this stage. Now searching to find a way to go the distance and do you all proud to the end of 2013.

Note: Trent Morrow is the only Australian runner to have completed 100 official marathons in a calendar year. Best wishes from all your supporters as you continue to amaze us all! Michael.

Australia's Marathon Man Trent Morrow chasing the World Record for the most marathons in twelve months; marathonman; running man; hall of fame city challenge marathon

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